2009年10月19日 星期一


The reorganization of financial order worldwide

Two days of annual meetings at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ended last week (October 7th) in Istanbul. The main focuses this time were to inject more funds into the World Bank and shift the specific ratio of voting rights from developed countries to developing ones inside the IMF. However, they did not reach a consensus on a number of issues which implied a shift of power within the organization.

The World Bank is not a bank in common sense. It is actually made up of two international development institutions, the IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and the IDA (International Development Association), which provide low-interest loans and grants to developing countries. The IMF is working to foster global monetary cooperation and international trade, while at the same time securing financial and monetary stability. Both of them were one of the three pillars of Bretton Woods system, and still survive today in the post-Bretton Woods era.

Even though the developed countries agree that the economy has not fully recovered yet and it is too early for governments to drop their stimulus programs now, they still have different opinions on boosting funding for the World Bank, not to mention demands by big developing countries for more voting power.

The shift in power can also be seen in the fact that the G20 summit is gradually replacing the G7’s function as the primary forum for international economic cooperation. The former includes big rich countries and emerging ones, but the later consist of rich countries only. As a matter of fact, the discussion of redistribution in voting power in the IMF followed conclusions made by the G20’s summit last month.

Such a power shift in international organization implies the influence of rich countries is not as strong as before and the emerging countries want a bigger say.

According to statistical data, the voting power in the IMF has trouble representing the real contributions of each country to global economic growth. Some rich countries are over-represented and some emerging countries like China and India are under-represented. In 2008, China accounted for 11.3% of global GDP growth but only got 3.1% of voting power in the IMF, and India contributed 4.9% to global GDP but only had 1.9% of the voting power in the IMF. They have therefore demanded that the European countries hand at least 5% of the voting power to them. Europeans appear supportive of this demand in principle, but in reality their position is very different.

Vested interests

As most international organizations were designed by the leading power at the time, institutional design is normally in line with the interests of this power. Therefore, the vested interests do not want to let go of the power in their hand when a new power is rising. So, how former leading powers accommodate themselves to the rise of these emerging countries may be the primary challenge facing these international organizations.








由強國所主導的國際組織,其運作通常也需合乎他們自身的利益,也唯有如此才能成功推動該組織的運作。 所以,當新興發展中國家的力量開始崛起時,這些既得利益者也不願意放棄手中握有的特權。



