2009年12月30日 星期三

[讀書會] 伊拉克二三事

Don’t Forget America’s Other War

Published Dec 19, 2009

From the NEWSWEEK magazine issue dated Jan 4, 2010

Remember Iraq? For months our attention has been focused on Afghanistan, and you can be sure that the surge will be covered exhaustively as it unfolds in 2010. But the coming year could be even more pivotal in Iraq. The country will hold elections in March to determine its political future. Months of parliamentary horse trading will likely ensue, which could provoke a return to violence. The United States still has 120,000 troops stationed in Iraq, and all combat forces are scheduled to leave by August, further testing the country's ability to handle its own security. How we draw down in Iraq is just as critical as how we ramp up in Afghanistan: If handled badly, this withdrawal could be a disaster. Handled well, it could leave behind a significant success.



2010 could be a crucial year for Iraq

  • The country will hold elections in March to determine its political future.
    Giving Iraq’s leaders a chance to resolve their political differences.

  • All 120,000 American troops are scheduled to leave by August.
    Testing the country’s ability to handle its own security.

Political differences in Iraq

  • Sunnis vs. Shias (They are fueling the civil war in the first place)
  1. SunnisA majority that has traditionally been the country’s elites.
  2. ShiasA relative minority that remains marginalized politically in Iraq.

  • Kurds (They run an autonomous quasi state at north provinces.)
  1. They ignore Iraq central government’s authority regarding oil contracts by negotiating on their own and, in the same time, block the flow of oil out of Kurdish region.
  2. Disputes of drawing boundaries make situation more complex.

Challenge and Chance

  • Iraq needs a stable power-sharing deal to keep all three groups invest in their new state.
  • The U.S. should use their enormous political influences and leverage to help Iraq’s three parts reaching a compromise.
  • Iraq could still become a remarkable model for Arab world.


  1. What do you know about Iraq?
  2. Should the America need to invade Iraq at the very beginning?Do we have the alternatives?

2009年12月12日 星期六

The Story of Cap & Trade


但我其實有點困惑。這影片來源是美國某非營利組織(The Story of Stuff Project),它宣傳的其實也正是美國在這次哥本哈根的立場。它影片中也提到美國自己通過了一套清潔能源法案,要以這 種各國實際規範的方式,來取代美國根本沒有加入的「京都議定書」框架下衍生出的碳交易,而歐盟等國家則希望再此框架下達成協議。

雖然他指出碳交易的一些缺失,可是對美國那套方法也沒講清楚。課徵碳稅引導產業走能源升級,將這些錢拿來補貼環境或發展中國家云云,是不是過分理想?更何 況自己國內對清潔能源法案內部也有不少雜音,要以此想法主導國際建置難度高,同時效率如何也不清楚。眼下「碳交易」好像還是比較實際的作法。


The Story of Stuff

  1. 人們如何消耗資源,且不避諱的指出先進國家以其小部分的人口消耗大多數的資源
  2. 廠商將生產成本外部化,剝削第三世界、剝削環境,使商品售價遠低於其實際成本
  3. 消費社會創造出不斷消費的邏輯




2009年12月7日 星期一

[剪報] 哥本哈根會前觀察

全球注視哥本哈根 (氣候變遷會議始末懶人包)

2009-12-07 中國時報【陸以正專欄】

全世界報紙今天的頭條新聞,肯定聚焦在哥本哈根(Copenhagen)。因為聯合國主持下的全球氣候變化會議(UN Climate Change Conference)將在丹麥首都的貝拉會議中心(Bella Center)正式開幕。聯合國一百九十二個會員國,已知有九十二國將由總統或內閣總理親自出席,因而也可能是人數最多的高峰會。



2009 / 12 / 07 鉅亨網新聞中心




沈平 BBC中文網記者 發自哥本哈根



只爭觀察員? 別再阿Q




哥本哈根會議 關鍵五議題


[剪報] 2009縣市長三合一選舉

賄選 台灣民主之瘤

2009-12-07 中國時報 【吳景欽】

社論-朝野都要向前看 台灣才有生

2009-12-07 工商時報 【本報訊】





台灣外在大風暴的內容是,中國崛起對台灣的政經壓力增加、美國的國際守望角色轉型,美日兩國與台灣的政治聯結趨弱;台灣內部政治所形成的小風暴, 表現於此次地方選舉中的卻只是無謂的亦沒有答案的嗆聲謾罵、派系、賄選、黑函、八卦,與內耗空轉。這一內一外一小一大的兩個風暴,層次、內涵、力道皆有天 壤之別;目前已可見到大風暴正漸漸吞沒小風暴,小風暴則兀自仍在茶壺裡翻騰不已。

什麼都假什麼都賭 寶島悲乎


2009年12月1日 星期二

How to feed the world

Agriculture,原由 thegreenpages 上載。

Robert Malthus once said that “[t]he power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man. Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetical ratio.” If this were true, the production of food will never be able to keep up with the growth of population.

However, thanks to the Green Revolution in agriculture, Malthus’s prediction did not come true. Technological improvement in crop planting has helped us produce food in a more efficient way. We can lower inputs into the production process, but at the same time double or triple production. New technologies have brought food production to record levels. In theory, the food we produce could feed everyone on earth. But for many complex reasons we face a bizarre situation: we live in a world both with hunger and obesity. According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nation) data, 1.02 billion people are undernourished worldwide in 2009, which means that out of every six people, one person is going hungry. Ironically, while some are starving to death, there are more than one billion people who are overweight. This is almost equal to the number of people who are facing hunger.

We have regarded the worldwide hunger as a problem of uneven distribution for a long time, because we do believe there is enough of food for everyone. Nevertheless, the food crisis during 2007-2008, right before the financial crisis broke out, revealed a new aspect to the problem. Because the oil price rose, food and commodities prices also rose. Suddenly, we did not have enough food. Making the situation worse, many crops were being used for biofuel rather than to feed people. The food problem today is not only the result of uneven distribution, but also the limited capacity of agriculture and the failure of the food market.

The outbreak of the financial crisis has driven people’s attention away. But even with economic recovery, the food crisis remains unresolved. By 2050 the world’s population will rise by a third, from 6.7 billion to almost 9 billion. The demand for agriculture goods will rise 70% and demand for meat will double. We will not be able to meet these increases without farmers clearing large amount of new land or using up lots more water. However, farmland is often transferred to more lucrative uses, while clean water supplies are so limited in some parts of the world that there is not even enough to drink. Moreover, farmers still have to fight global climate change and its attendant unpredictable rainfall and devastating natural disasters.

The Economist suggests we need to do two things to prevent the impending crisis. First of all, invest in the productive capacity of agriculture. Money invested in agriculture has declined since the Green Revolution took place. More investment will lead to more production. Investment in agriculture can be used to provide farmers with better seed and fertilizers or to develop genetically modified crops. Shocked into action by soaring food prices, governments and international organizations working in affected areas have doubled the amounts invested in food production.

Secondly, we need to improve the operation of the food market. Governments tend to favor self-reliance on food for security reasons. In other words, countries produce their own food even without a comparative advantage, so their agriculture relies on subsides from the government. This leads to market failure as protectionism blocks the free trade and free market.

To feed 9 billion people, farming needs to be as efficient a possible. That requires markets and trade, but also more investment.