2013年1月8日 星期二

DMV考駕照 Part II: Behind the Wheel Test

像是Stop Sign要停3秒,無敵誇張的checking traffic,還有"嚴格遵守"速限...等等。


  1. 預約路考時間(預約單)
  2. 把車停到DMV停車場
  3. 櫃檯報到(需要汽車的registration跟insurance資料)獲得一些文件
  4. 把車開到路考等候區,給主考官看剛才的一些文件
  5. 確認汽車方向燈喇叭運作良好
  6. 上路考試

2012年11月21日 星期三

DMV考駕照 Part I: Paper Test


2012年11月4日 星期日



之前看到朋友在用RunKeeper,可以記錄里程還有時間。最近做的一個consulting project,我們的客戶是Pace DJ,可以從你的iTune音樂裡挑出符合你步伐的音樂。這兩個軟體一起服用效果非常好,讓我的跑路人生更上一層樓,特意跟大家分享一下。

RunKeeper ($Free)

這個免費的app其實功能非常齊全,且使用介面滿簡單直觀的,選擇運動類型,按下START就可以開始。在你跑步的同時,他會用GPS記錄你跑步的路徑,並且可以設定語音提醒。像是每五分鐘他會告訴你跑了多遠,平均速度是多少。他也可以設定音樂的Play List,你開始跑步就會播放你iTune裡的指定播放列表。

Pace DJ ($2.99) FREE

跑步會聽音樂的人就知道,歌曲有快有慢。有時候會遇到適合跑步的節奏,有時會變成慢歌。雖然還是可以繼續跑,但是這中間其實有受到一些干擾。在使用RunKeeper的時候,我有設定自己跑步用的Play List,有些是喜歡的歌、有些是跑起來還滿順的歌,但當我開始用Pace DJ之後,我已經把那個參差不齊的List刪掉了。

基本上,Pace DJ會讀取音樂資料庫裡的所有音樂,計算每首歌的Tempo。當你跑步的時候,你可以根據你的步伐,指定某一特定的Pace。就我而言,我通常是設定155 bpm。接下來你就可以享受『每一步都踩在"點"上』的快感。

2011年8月1日 星期一


我是從UCSD搭公車30Old Town Transit Center轉乘Trolley藍線,上公車後就直接買Day Pass $5,來回公車跟Trolley都可以用。可說是$5暢遊墨西哥 XD
總之,搭到藍線的終點站 San Ysidro就是邊界了。

2011年5月9日 星期一

[剪報] 2011新加坡大選觀察。

[獨立媒體] 新加坡國會大選觀選記


[聯合晚報/社論] 新加坡站在改變的路口

新加坡實施強制投票。該國國會84名議員是由民選直接產生的,來自於全國各個選區,其中包括14個集選區(Group Representation Constituency,GRC)和9個單一選區(Single Member Constituency)。

2011年5月6日 星期五












2010年10月27日 星期三


Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

City Centered

By Bruce Katz

With our recovery sluggish and our politics in rancorous free fall, the U.S. is on a desperate search to create jobs in the near term and retool the economy for the long haul. As Dorothy found in The Wizard of Oz, the answers surprisingly lie no farther away than home, or more precisely, the top 100 cities and their environs — the major metros — where most Americans live, work and play.


City Centered Outline

n The U.S. is on a desperate search to create jobs in the near term and retool the economy for the long haul.

The solution lies in the top 100 cities and their environs — the major metros — where most Americans live, work and play.

n Metro Powered — features of Metro in United State

House almost two-thirds of our population

Generate 74% of our gross domestic product (GDP)

Disproportionately concentrate the assets that drive economic success:
(1) patents, (2) advanced research and (3) venture capital, (4) college graduates and Ph.D.s, and (5) air, rail and sea hubs.

n This dynamic holds not only for the U.S. but also around the globe.

The rise of Brazil, India and China is a direct product of their rapid urbanization and the growth of supersize metro economies like São Paulo, Mumbai and Shanghai.

n We mythologize the benefits of small-town America, but it's the major metros that make the country thrive.

Placing too much tax revenues on suburb. Prosperous small towns are most often suburbs of major cities.

Pursuing urban policies devoted to subsidized housing and tax incentives to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods rather than creating policies that, for example, support powerful and promising industry clusters.

"Cities are places where two plus two equals five."
Ideas collide and flourish. New inventions and processes emerge in research labs and on factory floors. New products and companies follow.

n Worldwide competitors understand that prosperity in this century will come via the distinct assets and attributes of their metro engines.

Germany, China and Brazil are investing in wholesale change through advanced research, renewable energy, modern ports, high-speed rail and urban transit in Munich, Shanghai and São Paulo — the metros that drive their economies.

n What American should do?

Reducing the federal deficit, and the other half, to efforts grow export.

Start investing to help American businesses innovate and have access to a world-class infrastructure.

Meet the Challenges
Cities and suburbs need to team up with businesses to devise export initiatives that build on their metro's distinctive position in the market.


1. What do you think about the global competition in the Metros?

2. Does it against the American Dream, if the government redirects their resource away from suburb resident?

2010年10月20日 星期三

[讀書會] Currency War

The global economy

How to stop a currency war

Keep calm, don’t expect quick fixes and above all don’t unleash a trade fight with China

Oct 14th 2010

IN RECENT weeks the world economy has been on a war footing, at least rhetorically. Ever since Brazil’s finance minister, Guido Mantega, declared on September 27th that an “international currency war” had broken out, the global economic debate has been recast in battlefield terms, not just by excitable headline-writers, but by officials themselves. Gone is the fuzzy rhetoric about co-operation to boost global growth. A more combative tone has taken hold (see article). Countries blame each other for distorting global demand, with weapons that range from quantitative easing (printing money to buy bonds) to currency intervention and capital controls.


Currency War

Brazil’s finance minister declared the “International currency war” had broken out.

n Counties blame each other for distorting global demand, with weapons including quantitative easing (printing money to buy bonds), currency intervention, and capital control.

n Three battles

ü China’s unwillingness to allow Yuan to rise more quickly

ü Rich world’s monetary policy : quantitative easing

ü Developing countries’ response to the capital flows

n Still modest now, but it may turn into real trade war

ü Sluggish economy growth in the rich world is likely to last for years.

ü As fiscal austerity kicks in, the appeal of using a cheaper currency as a source of demand will increase.

n Developing countries’ counter measure to capital flood

n If the flood of foreign capital intensifies, developing countries may be forced to choose between:

ü Losing competitiveness hurt export

ü Draconian capital controls decrease FDI & economy recovery

ü Allowing their economies to overheat inflation

n The rich world’s mix of fiscal austerity and loose monetary policy—will have an uncomfortable impact on small, open emerging economies, in the form of unwelcome capital inflows. Taiwan


Do you agree or disagree that the government should intervene in the market in order to maintain their export competitive?

2010年10月6日 星期三












搶救流浪動物 立委籲修法


生命教育:公視我們的島-不只貓狗,校園動物同伴 (YouTube)

2010年10月5日 星期二

[讀書會]How Should America Handle Extreme Speech?

How Should America Handle Extreme Speech?

By NANCY GIBBS Sunday, Oct. 03, 2010

Illustration of the Statue of Liberty holding a burning book.

In the end, Pastor Terry Jones did not burn a Koran, and another eternally sad and suddenly bitter 9/11 anniversary came and went. But he'll be back — if not Jones, then the swarms of zealots and charlatans who were inspired by how a preacher with a congregation of about 50 could command the attention of the White House, the Pentagon, the Vatican, Sarah Palin, Angelina Jolie and just about every network, newspaper and blog in the land. It was called a media circus, but it was the kind in which the clowns attacked the children and everyone walking the tightrope looked down and couldn't see any net.


Freedom of speech & Extreme Speech

n Background

ü The Jones did not burn a Koran on 9/11 anniversary, but he'll be back.

ü Those inspired by how a preacher could command the attention of the White House, the Pentagon, the Vatican, Sarah Palin, Angelina Jolie and just about every network, newspaper and blog in the land.

n Contrivers event in freedom of speech

The right of Nazis to march

Journalists to publish government secrets EX. Wiki Leak

Racists to burn crosses

n Free-speech protections in the U.S. are stronger than in any other place on earth at perhaps any time in history

First Amendment to the United States Constitution

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

美國憲法第一修正案對美國影響巨大。美國媒體所享有的一切自由都源於此,在美國,凡是涉及言論、新聞、出版等訴訟,往往都會搬出此,它幾乎成為美國媒體或個人言論自由的護身符,不可動搖。以至於美國人把它頌揚為「美國生活方式」的主要內容。-- 維基百科wiki

n The Effect of Technology

ü As technology evolves, individual rights have global repercussions. Speech toward domestic audience will cause international intention. EX: Is Jones trying to incite violence or express his “expectation”Where’s the line?

ü Facebook & Tweet
Today, a crusader on a mission doesn't need a lot of P.R. budget, if you know how the media ecosystem works.

n Solution: freedom of speech vs. freedom of the press

ü The right to speak does not include a right to be heard: editors often choose not to cover idiotic or offensive behavior.